Top 10 Reasons to Visit Thailand

Thailand tourism

Finding a perfect holiday destination may not be easy, but Thailand does come as an easy choice because of its proximity, culture, people and a whole lot of other reasons. Let us take you through the top 10 motivations that make this spirited country an absolute must-visit for your next vacation.

1. Affordability: Just 5 flight hours away from India, the visually stunning locales of Thailand are accessible within your budget. Offering the most pocket-friendly international trip, the coveted location has some of the cheapest hotels, cuisine and clothes in the world. Street food and flea markets allow you to enjoy your days here without thinking about the expenditure.

2. Lush beaches: Various Hollywood movies including ‘The Beach’ have been shot on the pristine coastlines of Thailand that lure travellers from as far as Europe and Australia. Boasting of best beaches in the world, the picturesque setting seduces tourists with its powdery silver sand, sun-bleached seashore, verdant vistas and scintillating emerald blue waters. A postcard-perfect place to laze under the sun and chill out with family and friends.

Thai Food

3. Delectable Thai Food: From finger-licking street food to sumptuous lavish spread of delicacies at a fine-dining restaurant, Thailand serves a plateful of recipes that will leave you asking for more. The roadside stalls are extremely affordable and present a lip-smacking menu that cannot be missed! Even a dollar will earn you a filling meal here. Plus, you can experiment with the extensive fare and try something new every day.

4.Dazzling night life: Whether you are in Bangkok or Phuket, there’s no dearth of nightclubs in the country. Thai people actually know how to party hard! As soon as the sun goes down, everyone puts his or her party hats on and makes a beeline for the discos and pubs serving exotic drinks and abundant beer. Indulge yourselves completely and dance the night away with your friends in pure Thai style.

Shopping thailand
5.Shopping: A paradise for shopaholics and fashionistas, this wonderland is loaded with cool designs, quirky outfits as well as high street brands that can become a part of your closet. The malls and the local markets in Bangkok are always buzzing with style-conscious shoppers seeking bargains for fancy apparels and accessories including cosmetics, bags, shoes, jewellery etc.

6. Cultural heritage: Enticing the spiritually inclined and history lovers, this magical territory astounds one and all with its array of ancient temples and religious shrines including the World Heritage Site of Preah Vihear. The magnificent architecture of the temples and pagodas is reminiscent of its thriving Buddhist culture that transports you into a different time zone filled with tranquility and spiritualism.

7. Adventure sports: The adrenaline junkies can have a blast in this beautiful landscape as it offers the most thrilling escapades against the backdrop of striking views. Partake in wide range of sensational activities like white-water rafting, kayaking, trekking, rock climbing, paragliding, elephant riding, scuba diving, snorkelling and more. Guided by professionals and extremely secure, these chilling experiences will take the excitement levels of your trip a notch up.thailand rich fauna

8. Rich fauna: Blessed with resplendent tropical rainforests, buzzing with beautiful wildlife, this region provides various opportunities for nature trails. The astounding diversity of terrestrial and marine life will leave you awestruck. You can visit a number of national parks to witness some magnificent beasts like wild tigers and leopards.

9.Welcoming people: Famed as the ‘Land of Smiles’, Thailand extends a warm welcome to everyone. A melting pot of varied cultures, Bangkok receives tourists with open arms and the locals have a warm smile that reaches your heart. You can ask for help and directions from just anyone on the street, and feel secure as no one tries to dupe foreigners.

10. Easy Commute: Most of the cities are brimming with Tuk Tuks, making it easy to travel locally. Negotiate the tariffs before entering and relish the joy ride wherever you go. Plus, air tickets for travelling within the country are also quite affordable and allow you to visit different cities without any hassles.

The list may go on and on, but these reasons should help you pick a destination for your next excursion. So it’s time to stop procrastinating, and grab a holiday package to Thailand to make memories for lifetime.

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