Family Day Out With Young Children

There are many exciting free activities, merriment and simple ways to travel with young children during a day out in Hong Kong.Hong Kong With Kids

From kids-friendly restaurants and wonderful museums to afternoon spend playing in the theme parks, know here these exciting tips for a short trip with small children.

Morning: Hong Kong Disneyland

Morning at Hong Kong Disneyland

Start day out with your kids in Hong Kong with a visit to the child-friendly Hong Kong Disneyland. To enter this Hong Kong smallest Disney park ticket is required and there endless activities where children busy with themselves, including Kowloon Park – a perfect park for families, children to swim or explore around playgrounds. See monkeys & jaguars at the Botanical and Zoological gardens.

Cavorting with Mickey – It’s probably a smallest proparties of the Disney but spending time here is expensive. See magnificent man-made attractions, fireworks, high-powered shows & fantasy gardens where you can meet Disney characters with kids. Other children activities include Grizzly Gulch,Toy Storyland ,Dumbo and Bibbidi Bobbidi Boutique event, etc.

Lunch at Crystal Lotus in Hong Kong Disneyland:

Definitely children feel hungry after engaging in an array of activities! Why not lunch at Crystal Lotus. Crystal Lotus is not only one option in such a culinary place. Why I’m suggesting Crystal Lotus because of its sumptuous feast. As I said it’s a family-friendly restaurant, both you & your children will surprise once see the various shape & types of foods such as Piggy faces(Piggy Steamed Bonus) food, Monkey Head Dumplings, Micky shaped carrots and Tasmanian Crab Meat with Fried Rice, etc. Not only it looks funny but it tastes too great.

Duffy Steamed Lotus Red Bean Bun
Duffy Steamed Lotus Red Bean Bun

Chicken little steamed lotus seed bunAfternoon: Ocean Park

Afternoon at Ocean Park
After having delicious lunch take one to two hours rest, them head to the most beautiful sea-themed Ocean Park by taxi, bus or car. It’s unique animal encounters and crowds less make more attractions to visitors then Disneyland. The ocean park divided into two levels; a upper level and lower level, well connected through a sky term for pleasant views of the Hong Kong island.

Afternoon at Ocean Park

Travelers in lower area (waterfront) can see the cute panda, aquarium and kids playgrounds. The summit has various rides for younger kids, the sea lion and others.

Dinner at a Hong Kong Family-Friendly Restaurant

One can find many dining options but below few of them best..

Ruby Tuesday Restaurant – Famous for different kids menu, balloons and crayons. Require table reservation in advance.

Dan Ryan Restaurant: Well famed for free balloons, highchairs and special menus for kids.

Also KFC’s , and McDonalds are everywhere Hong Kong.

So, why not take Hong Kong night ride after a family dinner. Highly condensed building, harbour colors and China travel golden route, etc makes Hong Kong night simply eye-catching. Here are some night activities..

Star Ferry

: This five minute cruise gives astonishing experience, you seem that all colorful buiding are embracing you, I think this feeling & experience you have never before. You’ll notice many visitors and locals busy on movies shooting & taking photos. Don’t forget for taking own photos.

Star Ferry

Victoria Peak

– One of the best place specially Hong Kong night viewing. Outstanding tourist facilities and many quality restaurants make Victoria Peak most spectacular and panoramic night view.

Victoria Peak
In one word I want to say; take a wonderful photo of Hong Kong at night before returning to your home. If you come to home without a photo that means you never enjoyed your Hong Kong travel.

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