A Honeymoon In Mauritius

Honeymoon In Mauritius – Out Of This World !

Ask anyone who is getting married as to what their plans are, and in all probability they will share with you their plans of a Honeymoon in Mauritius. And I bet you will not be surprised, because a honeymoon in Mauritius is what many Indians want. And not just Indians. If you go to Mauritius – at any time of the year, if I might add – you will find it full of honeymooners from all over the world.

honeymoon in Mauritius

So what’s so special about a Honeymoon in Mauritius ? For starters, it is simply out of this world. I recall that at one point, Mauritius Tourism used this as a tag line in a campaign that ran for a long time. Here is what the campaign said:

“Why is Mauritius so hard to find on the map ? Because it’s simply out of this world !”

And out of this world it truly is. It is one of the most pristine destinations that I have ever visited. Let me elaborate on that a bit.

The feeling that you are about to reach a truly magical place begins the moment the aircraft begins its descent into Mauritius. As you look down from the window you can see the beautiful, tranquil sea in various hues of blue. A blue so wondrous that you can’t help wondering how the sea can be so beautifully amazing. And as you look down carefully, you will see that you can see dark patches of coral reef all around the island – even from that height, right through the depths of the water ! Imagine how crystal clear the water would be !

As you fly overland, you see the green and brown patches of the sugarcane fields below, like tiny geometrical patterns sprinkled generously all around. And you will see hills of various sizes spread all around. By the time you touch down, you will be so full of anticipation about the beauty of this place that you would be eager to leave the airport right away to explore this marvel of nature. As you leave the airport, your honeymoon in Mauritius, as well as your honeymoon WITH Mauritius, is all set to begin. Welcome to Paradise on Earth.

One reason why honeymoon in Mauritius is so popular is that it provides a perfect natural setting for two people to get to know each other intimately. Choose a resort by the sea – on the beach, preferably – where the sea is at its perfect tranquil best. The North and North-Western part of Mauritius has some excellent seaside resorts to choose from.Although the entire island is just as beautiful, the eastern coast of Mauritius is prone to high winds. Not a major worrying factor, though. You just might enjoy the perpetual breeze !

Need more reasons to  consider a honeymoon in Mauritius ? Well, the hotels in Mauritius usually have a special discounted tariff for honeymooners. Not only is the rate less than what a normal holiday package would cost, the hotels also provide some special privileges to honeymooners. These privileges, of course, differ from hotel to hotel, depending on the category of the hotel chosen. However, in general, these could include a personalized check-in, some gifts for the couple, or perhaps a candle-light dinner. Whatever, if it is Mauritius, the hotel is sure to go out of their way to look after honeymooners.

As you enter your resort by the sea, don’t be surprised if you are hit by a feeling a sense of Deja Vu – a feeling of familiarity. And why would you get such a feeling ? Because so many Indian movies have used Mauritius as a locale for film shoots, and you may have seen the surroundings in one of these films. In fact, the setting of a honeymoon in Mauritius has been used in countless Indian movies. After settling in to your resort, you are now all set to explore the place, as well as discover each other. The beautiful resorts are ideal romantic settings. The magic of the place will overcome you and you will feel a sense of bliss taking you over. Let go, and immerse yourself in the feeling. In most large resorts, you will not find big crowds. The crowd is usually excellent, through largely European. A lot of these would be honeymooners themselves, so you will definitely not feel out of place !

A good thing about the resorts is that they are located far from the city, so there is enough peace and tranquility. There is virtually no traffic noise. And the way most resorts are laid out, you are always one with nature – far from the madding crowd. When you visit the beach, you will find yourself in awe of the white sand and the turquoise blue water – what a beautiful combination. If you are a beach buff, you will hate to leave this place. As you venture into the water, you will also be amazed at the clarity of water. The water is crystal clear. So clear that you can see your feet even if you are standing in water coming to your chest. And that is not an exaggeration. The water around most beaches of Mauritius is like a lagoon. This is because the coral reefs that surround most of Mauritius keep the big waves out. No big waves, so no muck coming in with the tide. And no dangerous sea-life either. It is because of this that  beaches of Mauritius are mostly very safe, barring a few areas where the sea can get rough, mostly in the south.

In the evening, do make it a point to take a stroll on the beach again. Not to look at the sea, but to gaze at the stars. On a clear night, cloudless night, you will fall in love with the sky. Being an island, there is very little pollution. Whatever little there is, is usually blown away by the breeze. The result ? A crystal clear starry sky. City dwellers will find themselves asking how come we never see so many stars in the city ? Trust me, you can spend hours, lying maybe on a deck chair by the poolside, just looking at the clear, starry sky. Sounds so romantic, doesn’t it ?  Under such idyllic settings, romance has to blossom. All the more reason to plan a honeymoon in Mauritius.

One advice that I would give to all couples planning a honeymoon in Mauritius is – avoid booking a package where your tours and transfers are in a shared coach. A honeymoon should always be a private affair between two people trying to get to know each other. These are moments that are best shared between the two partners. Why have a crowd hanging around with you ? Also, if you book a package for a honeymoon in Mauritius, I would advise booking it on a private basis. The cost differential is not very high. AND the little extra that you do spend will be worth it. YOU are worth it. Invest in yourself and your partner. The last thing that honeymooners would want is to be stuck with a bunch of strangers or a coach full of family holiday makers.

A few things that are a must do when you are on your honeymoon in Mauritius are –

Undersea Walk

This is a must do, and is perfectly safe – even for non swimmers ! You will be lowered to the ocean bed, wearing a special helmet in which oxygen is pumped from above. And there is always a diver present with you to make sure that you can be pulled up immediately in case you feel any problem.  it is a great feeling to walk on the ocean bed as fish swim by you. You can even feed the fish – they will actually come and nibble on bread that you hold out for them. Highly recommended.

Blue Safari

honeymoon in mauritius - blue safari submarine
This is a unique mini-submarine that takes you down to explore the hidden sea life. Till you have explored the sea in all its vibrant colours you haven’t actually experienced what life under the sea is actually like. If you choose one of their longer tours, you can even treat yourself to a lunch on board the submarine. Another truly out of the world experience. Not to be missed when you plan your honeymoon in Mauritius. There are actually very few places in the world where you can do this, so it is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.

Catamaran Cruise

Honeymoon in Mauritius - Catamaran Cruise

What could be better than spending a very relaxed day together, on a catamaran that takes you sailing to the high seas ? You can enjoy the breeze and sun together as you sail the gentle waves, sipping a beer or local spirits that are served free on board. With a leisurely itinerary, you get ample time to go snorkeling in the lagoons, or explore some of the uninhabited islands. Lunch is a barbecue done on the boat itself, or on one of the smaller islands on the white sandy beach. A most romantic and relaxing way to spend a day in Mauritius.

Parasailing & Water Sports

Honeymoon in Mauritius - parasailing

What could be more romantic than being taken for a parachute ride together over the blue seas ? That’s a deadly combination of adventure and romance that you can experience over the blue sea under clear blue skies. And yes, two people can be taken on the same parachute, provided, of course, that you are not too heavy ! 🙂

Apart from this there are dozens of other water sports that you can indulge in.

I do hope I have given you enough reasons to plan for your honeymoon in Mauritius. Go right ahead and do it. You definitely will not regret it.

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