Doing Your Own Thing In Hong Kong !

Hong Kong – A Shopping Paradise

When you visit Hong Kong, you would have some spare time with you, depending on the activities that you have chosen in your package. In order to truly experience the spirit of Hong Kong, there are a few activities which you can – and should – do on your own. After all, it is a vibrant city just waiting to be discovered.  And of course, a lot of shopping options almost everywhere in Hong Kong. And we Indians just love to shop, don’t we ?

And getting around in Hong Kong is so easy, as it has one of the world’s best public transport system – the MTR, or Mass Transit Railway, that covers almost the whole of Hong Kong. You can buy a Tourist Day Pass, costing around HKD 65, that allows you unlimited travel on the entire network, except the Airport Express or the trains going to Shenzhen. Apart from that, there is virtually no limit on the number of trips you can take, and the time of 24 hours is counted from your first entry into the station’s paid areas. In fact, we make it even easier by you by providing you the MTR pass vouchers right here in India in Indian Rupees, so that you don’t spend your foreign exchange on it while in Hong Kong

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So here are some tips for you.

Tsim Sha Tsui

Hong Kong

This is the heart of Kowloon- the most happening shopping hub of Hong Kong.  It is also quite possible that your hotel may provide you a free shuttle service to this area, but of course, it depends on the hotel you are staying in. This is a place where you will go absolutely crazy shopping.

Hong KongThere are so many shops and malls in the area that you will be spoilt for choice ! Almost all of the world’s leading brands have a presence here. Nathan Road is the heart of Tsim Sha Tsui, or TST as it is referred to. Right on Nathan Street is the famous Chung King Mansion – a commercial building that is full of Indian shops and restaurants.  It is also most popular with Indians for changing currency, with several money changers on the ground floor offering good rates. Right opposite Chung King is the iSquare Mall, another very popular shopping destination. Then there is the K11 Mall behind the Holiday Inn.

Cross the road from Chung King Mansion and walk down Peking Road.  You will find some good clothing brands on that road, as well as fast food places. This is my favourite place for buying Giordano and Baleno stuff. Continue down the road and at the end, after crossing the subway you will reach Canton Road at the other end.

Canton Road & Harbour City

Canton Road is the place to visit if you are looking for the high-end brands. Burberry, Prada, Giorgio Armani, Hermes, H&M, Gucci, Cartier, Tiffany – you will find them all lined up on both sides. And then there is the Harbour City – a HUGE shopping mall that again houses some of the best brands. It is almost a mini city full of shops. In fact you could easily end up spending a whole day there. At the end of the road, opposite the Harbour City is 1881 Heritage – a heritage building converted into an upscale shopping complex.

Hong Kong Remains Popular With Indians

Tsim Sha Tsui Promenade & Symphony Of Lights

Hong Kong

When you are done shopping in the evening, walk down Canton Road, and then turn left from 1881 Heritage on to Salisbury Road, and you find yourself facing the Victoria Harbour. Walk down to the next signal and cross over to the Tsim Sha Tsui Promenade, where the Hong Kong Cultural Center is located, next to the Star Ferry Terminal. If you want to see the best night skyline view, this is the place to be.

Do look out for the historical clock tower next to the Star Ferry Terminal. Walk across to 7/11 at the terminal, grab yourself something to drink, then go up on the viewing gallery on the first floor. And at 8 pm, enjoy one of the world’s largest light and sound show with coordinated dancing lasers lighting up the sky from various buildings across the harbor. And then, if you are up to more shopping, head for the Temple Street night market !

Temple Street Night Market

Hong KongGetting to Temple Street is not difficult. You can just get on to the MTR and get off at the next station – Jordan. Or you can walk, if you don’t mind a 15 minutes’ walk. Or you can take a cab, which will cost you around HKD 25. This is one of oldest night markets in Hong Kong selling tourist souvenirs, artwork, imitation handbags and lots of other goodies that you can buy. It comes to life at night. It is a walking street with stalls on either side.

You will find a lot of good stuff to buy for friends and relatives back home, at affordable prices. Of course, most of the stuff is made in China, and you also need to bargain. If you are hungry, there are dozens of food stalls at each junction offering local and Asian food, and if you are open to trying it out, this is the place to be.

And of course, by the time you wind up, it would be too late in the night for anything else. But if you have more time on hand, we will come back to you again with more great tips. Till then, stay tuned it !

2 Comments Add yours

  1. Ashok kumar says:

    I am coming to Hong Kong
    This jobs parpus se…

  2. Ashok kumar says:

    Beautiful In the Hong Kong Would

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